Sunday, September 13, 2009


Hey people !!! I sincerely hope that this post finds you in the best of health and spirits. It’s been a very long time since I’ve updated my blog. Life has become too tremendous lately.

College is going on just fine. The professors are good and very helpful indeed. There’s a lot to learn everyday....

I made a couple of friends. They’re good people to be with and times spent with them are full of fun and frolic.

Rest is all good. I’m carrying on in a way. It can get frustrating sometimes having to deal with classmates who don’t read, discuss or debate, speak in hushed tones when you raise your hand in order to answer, are non participative et al.

French classes are wonderful. Alice madam is a gem of a soul. The class comes alive with her joie de vivre and vivacity.

Deeptha madam is another person who’s a delight to be with. Her classes are enlightening. I’m yet to meet a man as well read as Rajan sir. This man knows way too much and has the unique ability to integrate his life experiences with the topics dealt with in class...

That’s it from me. Take care and all the very best. I’ll keep you posted as and when things happen.

A bientot !!!
Au Revoir