Monday, January 25, 2010


16th January 2010... 11:25 AM
I wonder what they were reading so absorbingly, under the tree shade.


22nd January 2010... 11:09 AM
Giving unto a classroom balcony, this picture was taken while shuttling from one class to another.


12th January 2010... 11:15 AM
I wish I could go back in time, building with the unsung laborers, the central lofty tower and the domed minarets, with sweat running down my nape and gleaming in my temples.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


As the fiery sky blinded my vision
And waters erased sand’s imprints,
I stood at the far end of the horizon
Listening to the murmur of the waves.....


I fail to bridge the abyss between us
As I stand on the other side of the creek...

Friday, January 8, 2010


It was an enthralling sight to behold as the sun enveloped parts of the fort while others remained in the dark.

26th December 2007 3:50 PM

I walked around barefoot
Grasping every curve, arch and style
While the world outside ceased to exist...


Far away from poor urban expansion, glitzy malls and multiplexes which have, unfortunately, come to be associated with markers of development, I set forth on a journey to VAN CHETNA KENDRA at Pariage village in Kheda district, some 75 kms from my city.

The air was dry. Miles of wilderness stretched itself as we travelled over nondescript locations, dusty and rutted roads, banana and tobacco plantations amid scorching heat.

Numerous trucks whizzed past us. While fast cars faded into destinations oblivious, all along the journey, villagers looked at us with awe. It was ironical in many ways; affluent people juxtaposed Vis a Vis those who lead hard lives in abysmal conditions.

Assorted migratory birds could be seen in the lake. It was magnificent to see a flight of birds against the cloudy, lavender tinted sky. Massive waves beat against the rocks with deafening noise.

I was a lost human being. Nothing seemed to matter anymore. My heart pounding in my ears, I found myself adrift to places where the mind and body couldn’t go. A different cosmos embraced me while I was only another insignificant creature.

Thoughts streamed into consciousness hastily. Globally, wild flora and fauna have been whittled down steadily and remorselessly. Man, for all his genius, cannot create a species nor can he recreate one he has annihilated. It pained me to be reminded of animal refugees living a precarious life on the edge of extermination, dependent on existence on the charity of a few human beings.

I came back only to listen to the groan of trucks and maddening of daily life. Caught amid the confluence of populace, life seems a frozen affair...

27th December 2009

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Lifeless on a frosted morning,
Lying on the forest floor
I pass out of this world
But once.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


14th September 2008...
Overlooking the bedroom balcony, these pictures were taken at around 5 in the evening, just after showers provided respite from the sultry weather. Water washing away the dirt from my feet, I stood watching the interplay between nature’s forces.