Friday, December 11, 2009


As twilight descended upon the dead city and the noise of traffic reached a crescendo, I stood wistfully looking out of the window, wondering what the world had come to....

Beyond the iron bars, green flares flickered amid the constant criss cross of shadows. It was a remarkable sight in many ways, only to pierce the heart of a city which had long forgotten to look beyond its own vendetta.

The sky was an explosion of multitudinous colours but perhaps, an unhappy one. Faces seemed blurred, slowly losing their meaning of existence. Rooted to the ground, a million thoughts danced in my mind. However, I was unable to assign them a definite rhythm or a concrete vision.

As I struggle to put my thoughts into words, often stopping mid sentence and trying to gauge their intensity and origin, the world moves on. In the transformation of a bud into a flower, in the groan of trucks plying on the road, in the struggle of the poor to make their daily ends meet, a heart bleeds devoid of any emotion. And I like a parasite, consume civilization’s resources, eternally ungrateful....

1 comment:

  1. Alright Ananya, this is Vinay here and I am going to get a little pedantic if I may.

    You start a lot with 'As twilight descended..' or 'As the smell of the harvested crop..' etc. It adds an unnecessary dramatic quality. The subject does not justify the use of such adjectives such as 'wistful' here. Earth sees twilight every day. Its beauty is in its simplicity, its starkness, the layers of sedate colours barely hanging on as night comes.
    Be a minimalist!

    Also, I am not sure that the city or civilisation has a vendetta. Ignorance, however, is what it lives and thrives on, and the smiling gay delusion of constant activity and productivity.

    'However, I was unable to assign them a definite rhythm or a concrete vision.' I like this line.

    Apart from that I do like the idea and the feeling behind the words; the bedlam civlisation creates, our mild suspicions over missing out on something different and something grander in life as we do stay rooted to paved ground instead of wet soil.

    Keep experimenting:)
