Wednesday, May 6, 2009


As I walked along the dusty bylanes of Lahore
Memories of the worst came back to me.
The sight of men bleeding profusely, shops burning and charred bodies
Shook the base of secularism in the country
Made me realize how fortunate I was
To escape the wrath of mankind
When I saw dust gathering on the pyol of a burnt house.

Ten years ago, to that fateful day of 12th March, 1996
Lahore was up in flames.
Men who belonged to different religious backgrounds
Had often prided themselves in unshaken solidarity
And then..... the very voice of humanity
Was drowned in the drumbeats of hatred and brutality.

As I looked onto the horizon
In my quest to calm the raging spirit within me
I found no answers as to why
In a world blessed by the Almighty
Is there so much of vindictiveness, agony, and turbulence.

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