Monday, May 4, 2009


As the stars play with the silvery water,
As the sun lines the immeasurable horizon
I stand on the confluence of crossroads
Unsure of the path to be taken...

As newer vistas signal changes millionfold
I wonder, full of apprehensions
Whether the chosen road
Will bring me unparalleled success and supreme happiness
Or lead me to a point of no return..

While I still contemplate on my impending decision
Thoughts of your goodness and humility
Fill my soul with warmth and nostalgia
Those endless fights, childish pranks, piercing screams,
The unceasing stream of tears and all the madness
Which seemed so preposterous back then
Now appear like intricate and inextricable vignettes
Carefully interwoven and nurtured over the years...

As I walk along the chosen path
Still wondering if choosing the other paths
Would have made all the difference,
Another bend in the road, another nook in the city
Will one day surely bring us together once again.....


  1. Now that was some creativity.
    n yes some high level english too...
    best luck......

  2. it a grt n fantastic piece of poetry , extremely well written .. keep posting

  3. Romantic & too much philosophical for me to digest.but thts truly my kinda thing tht i got to read after a very very long time!!!!!

    keep writing.
    good work.!!!!!

  4. hey
    its a wonderful poem!!
    eakdam sai hai!!! n U ROK!!
    i would say this is one of ur best poem!!1
    gud gng gal
    gud luck!

  5. my god! i never even knew that u write poetries.......n that too such amazing ones!!
